Monday, April 16, 2012


Hi!  Welcome to Succulents and Saucepans!  My name is Taysia Scarano, I currently live in NYC in Manhattan's Upper West Side.  I was raised in the beautiful state of Colorado in a small mountain town called Evergreen.  Surrounded by vast forests of Conifer trees and blue skies that stretch on forever,  I developed an intimate connection to nature at an early age.  NYC may have a lot of attributes but nature and wide open spaces are not among them.  In an effort to remain true to my roots and at the same time maintain my sanity, I fill my home with a myriad of plants and flowers.  Thirty seven plants line our wall of windows, each strategically placed in an effort to soak up every ray of sunlight from our limited Northern exposure.  My husband calls me a plant hoarder; but in my mind, as long as they are healthy and well taken care of,  the more the merrier.  I plan to use this blog to document my journey as a passionate plant owner and to share all that I learn along the way.  In addition,  I love spending time in the kitchen so there will be some edible goodness here as well.  These are a few of my favorite things...

Peonies:  Best. Flower. Ever!

Baby Succulent Gardens: my favorite art project

Best Earl Gray Tea:  Thé des Lords

Leo:  My 3 and half year old Pit mix

Taste Nirvana Coconut Water:  I want this stuff on tap!

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